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In full commitment to our responsibilities under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other relevant issuances of the National Privacy Commission (NPC), we at the Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF) and ZFF Institute for Health Leadership (ZFF Institute) have created policies, processes, and procedures in compliance with the above issuances. We are committed to protect and respect your personal data privacy.

We will not collect, disclose, or process personal data, including sensitive personal information unless you voluntarily choose to provide these information to us and give your consent thereto, or unless such disclosure shall be required by law.

Full policy


In full commitment to our responsibilities under the Data Privacy Act of 2012 (DPA), its Implementing Rules and Regulations, and other relevant issuances of the National Privacy Commission (NPC), we at the Zuellig Family Foundation (ZFF) and ZFF Institute for Health Leadership (ZFF Institute) have created policies, processes, and procedures in compliance with the above issuances. We are committed to protect and respect your personal data privacy.

We will not collect, disclose, or process personal data, including sensitive personal information unless you voluntarily choose to provide these information to us and give your consent thereto, or unless such disclosure shall be required by law.


  1. Personal Data Collected

We shall be collecting the following personal information/data:

Full Name


Email Address

Contact Numbers

Photos and video recording that would take place during the course offering shall also be taken.

  1. Use

The data collected and stored data shall only be used for the following purposes:

  1. Processing and reporting of documents related to learning and development activities (e.g. Training Reports, Certificates of Training, enhancement of programs and products, etc.);

  2. Announcement of events, programs, courses, and other relevant activities offered or organized by the ZFF Institute and its partners, including promotions for ZFF and ZFF Institute of future events;

  3. Activities pertaining to establishing relationship with ZFF fellows, both alumni and current;

  4. Addressing requirements relating to Monitoring and Evaluation, and the Knowledge Management Plan, according to donor/funder requirements.

  1. Protection of Personal Information

A designated “data keeper,” who shall also be the DPO, is appointed to ensure the security of personal data. The personal data shall be retained in our database for a maximum of ten (10) years from its collection. The destruction of personal data obtained shall be conducted by the DPO or any person designated by him, with the concurrence of the Executive Director through shredding for physical documents and through full deletion from the online data storage applications.

We shall require our external resource persons, academic partners, external partner-donors, and other third party individuals who assist ZFF and ZFF Institute in its advocacies to adhere to similar or comparable data protection standards as required by the DPA.

  1. Access and Corrections

You have the right to ask for a copy of their own personal information stored in the database. You shall also have the right to ask for corrections if they think that the information stored is incorrect. In order to access this information, participants/data subjects may contact the DPO at


By accepting and using this platform, I confirm that I voluntarily give consent to the processing of my data, which may include personal information and/or sensitive information set out in this form.

I hereby affirm and understand that I am given certain rights under DPA, including the right to be informed, the right to object to processing of my personal information, my right to access my data, the right to correct any inaccurate data, and the right to erasure or blocking of data.